Ine Gevers, artistic director and curator
Willemijn van der Vaart, business leader and management team
Myrthe van der Boom, assistant curator
Friso Wiersum, co-curator life hack marathons and similar programs
Evelien Kroese, communications
Whitley Pothuizen, communications
Eva Vesseur, education and collaboration SETUP
Maartje de Wit-Paymans, marketing and communication
Lidewij van Valkenhoef, marketing and communication
Monique Verhulst, production
Johanna Weggelaar, production
Esther Blanken, office management
Pam van der Veen, texts and interview
Marco Rietveld, advisor ICT
Dennis Kerckhoffs, publications
Marleen van Walbeek, coordination volunteers
Zara Gonzales, volunteer
Lindsay Grace Weber, intern
Keri de Smet, intern communication
Saskia Hoogervorst, volunteer production
Mariejem Tordjo, volunteer production
Sonia Fernandes, volunteer communications
Jenny Kornelis, volunteer life hack marathons and similar programs
Essylt Hoftijzer, volunteer productions
Ine Gevers, Jolle Demmers, Iris van der Tuin,
Caroline Nevejan, Petran Kockelkoren,
Dennis Kerckhoffs and Friso Wiersum
Board Foundation Niet Normaal
Hester Alberdingk Thijm (chairman), director Akzo Nobel Art Foundation
Riemer Knoop (vice-president), lecturer Reinwardt Academie, Gordion Cultureel Advies
Toine van der Horst (treasurer/secretary), business manager Nationale Opera & Ballet
Vincent Bijlo (board member), cabaretier, writer and presenter
Julienne Straatman (board member), strategic advisor
Frans Vreeke (board member), director Tivoli Vredenburg
Board Advisors
Hans Jonker, Farid Tabarki, Han Bakker
Webdesign & typografie:
Autobahn is all about creative concepts and clear design. Materials and (typo)graphic techniques play an important role in our designs. We don’t use eye candy as our starting point, because we rather put our faith in the strength of good ideas. To develop these ideas, we discuss and investigate the project with you to set out a strategy together. A fertile collaboration not only leads to convincing results, but also generates inspiration and fun.
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