Change of Media – Chance or Collapse

Symposium 22 & 23 April

The events during the New Year’s Eve celebrations in Cologne and Hamburg call for a discourse about media and the spread of news. Questions to discuss are: How do social media influence the reception of news? Can social media be seen as a chance for democracy and participation or are they rather a threat for this democracy? How can we properly react to hate comments?

In collaboration with the Goethe Institut and Castrum Peregrini the symposium ‘Change of Media – Chance or Collapse?’ takes place on the 22nd and 23rd April.


Friday 22nd April:
19:00 to 20:00 – Opening Talk with Hans-Georg Thönges, Markus Beckedahl, and Maurits Martijn.
From 20:30 – Film Screening Who Am I? Kein System ist Sicher (Baran bo Odar).

Saturday 23rd April:
10:00 to 11:45 – Talk with Geraldine de Bastion and Constanze Kurz: Medienkritik und Selbstorganisation über Social Media.
From 13:00 – Film Screening Netwars. Out of ctrl (Marcel Kolvenbach).

Free entrance with a Hacking Habitat exhibition ticket. Please sign up via The symposium is in English.