voorstelronde_Marieke Verhoeven

Revisiting Life Hack Marathon #1

Open Podium

On several Fridays during the exhibition HACKING HABITAT you can attend our Open Podium. During these afternoons, the stage is available for the participants of the Life Hack Marathons in 2015.  During the Open Podium, you can work together with these creative thinkers and doers and hack the exhibition!

Friday 8 april is about the first Life Hack Marathon: How to be seen. This afternoon you can attend performances by artist Frank Koolen, Merlijn Twaalfhoven and Circus Engelbregt.

The Open Podium takes place in the shipping space at Prison Wolvenplein from 14:00-18:00. If you have a ticket for the exhibition, you can attend the Open Podium for free.