Life-hack #2 How to fight debt?
Looking back: How to fight debt?
With Tomáš Sedláček (CZ), Eric Smit (NL) and Rutger Bregman (NL).
At our next Life Hack lecture three lecturers will confront the question ‘How to fight debt?’ First on is Tomáš Sedláček, economist and philosopher. Via an earlier recorded video talk he will extend upon the main thesis of his book ‘Economics of good and evil’, that economy should return to the realm of ethics. In other words: Let’s use economy for promoting values we cherish, not for the sake of economy alone. His lecture will be answered by two Dutch journalists: Rutger Bregman [De Correspondent] who has published widely on the idea and benefits of Basic Income, and Eric Smit [Follow the Money] who amongst others published the book ‘Usury insurance policies, how to get rid of them?’ Following their lectures the latter two will enter in a conversation on debt – the organizing principle in today´s societies as much as its problem – and how to fight it.
Tomáš Sedláček is a Czech economist. He is head of Macroeconomic Strategy at ČSOB (Czech bank), a member of a group named “Narrative of Europe” commissioned by Manuel Barroso, and a Council Member of World Economic Forum- focused on New Economic Thinking . Previously, Sedláček was an adviser to President Havel, and member of the National Economic Council in the Czech Republic. His book Economics of Good and Evil. The quest for economic meaning from Gilgamesh to Wall Street is a worldwide bestseller.
Rutger Bregman (1988) is a historian and writes for The Correspondent. He previously wrote for nrc.next, De Groene Amsterdammer and De Volkskrant. He also published three books: With the knowledge of then(2012), The History of Progress (2013) and Free Money for Everyone(2014). Recently, his essay was published called Why Garbage Men Earn More Than Bankers (2015) that he and Jesse Frederick wrote in the context of the Month of Philosophy.
Eric Smit (Nijmegen, 1967) is a journalist and social entrepreneur. He began his journalistic career at the magazine Quote. Starting as a junior clerk, he developed into a respected journalist. He publishes The Source Code. In late 2006, he co-founded the newspaper De Pers. In March 2010 he published his second book, Nina: the irresistible rise of a power lady. In March 2011 he published, with the repented intermediary René Graafsma, a guidebook for people who receive bad loans Bad loans, how do I get rid of them?. Eric Smith is a founding member of the journalism platform ‘Follow the Money’, www.ftm.nl.
Life-hack #2
How to fight Debt
Tomáš Sedláček (CZ), Eric Smit (NL) and Rutger Bregman (NL)
Debt. A lecture about money, relations of power and new commons.