Daniel Keller
Daniel Keller hired a group of unemployed people whom he asked to watch a half hour video compilation of tourism commercials. With a ‘gaze tracker’ he recorded their eye movements in order to measure where their eyes went and for how long. Eye tracking is a marketing method used to study the effectiveness of advertising. It allows you to see what a person is looking at, what distracts and what has gone unnoticed. It offers specific insights into the unconscious influence of advertising.
Keller does not use the data obtained for a specific research purpose. He converted the glances of the participants into a game of light and shadow on the video itself. He projects the video on a LED curtain, the type that is also used for interactive commercials and shows. This makes the system both a projection of a ‘consumption image’ and as a projection of consumer longings.
Soft Staycation – Gaze Track Edit
video-installation 2013
Daniel Keller (US, 1986)
Daniel Keller is a multimedia artist who blends technology, theory, art and everyday objects in spatial sound installations. His commentary on economic and technical developments is peppered with advertising world jargon.