Circus Engelbregt
Circus Engelbregt conducts art projects in public spaces. The duo does not avoid offending and often consciously seeks confrontation. They also bring a positive message in which spectators change into participants and people feel invited to look at so-called givens in a creative and different way. Their work includes the design of installations, institutions, organizations and companies with their own forms, surveys, reports and procedures that are inspired by existing structures and situations. With relatively simple means they expose complex bureaucratic systems. Martijn Engelbregt is one of the artists to participate in the four Life Hack Marathons that took place in 2015 as a prelude to HACKING HABITAT.
New artwork at Hacking Habitat
Intuitive people approach
Circus Engelbregt consists of Martijn Engelbregt (1972) and Pavel van Houten (1984). It creates connection via disruption, with the aim of enhancing social sustainability in the world.
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