‘How difficult would it be to build a database of all Dutch citizens?’ This question was the starting point for the project De Nationale Verjaardagskalender (National Birthday Calendar) by Medialab SETUP. Given that governments and large companies are actively gathering data about us on a large scale, the collective felt it was time to try this themselves. The National Birthday Calendar is the result. SETUP is building a database of names, addresses and birthdays of at least 1 percent of all Dutch citizens. And generating gift suggestions on the basis of profiling algorithms. The project is being developed in close collaboration with writer Arnon Grunberg and data analyst Thomas Clever and contributes to thinking about the ubiquitous need for big data.
New artwork at Hacking Habitat
The National
Birthday Calendar
online project 2016
SETUP (Netherlands)
Technological developments go often faster than we can keep up with. We are continually having to understand new possibilities, and constantly having to form opinions about them. SETUP is a group of creative technologists, artists and critics who are happy to provide us a helping hand.