Open Podium 29 April
Olivia Glebbeek en Ioana Tudor
On several Fridays during the exhibition HACKING HABITAT you can attend our Open Podium. During these days, you can work together with creative thinkers and doers and hack the exhibition!
On Friday 29 April, we have two guests. From 10:30 till 15:30 Olivia Glebbeek hosts a pilot about systems of health care and punishment. From 16:00 till 18:00 , visitors can watch the performance ‘About how my emotions were stolen by the machine. While I was just sitting there, reading about my father’ by artist Ioana Tudor.
The Open Podium takes place in the shipping space at Prison Wolvenplein from 14:00-18:00. If you have a ticket for the exhibition, you can attend the Open Podium for free.
The performance by Ioana Tudor is sponsored by iMotions.